; Programmed by: SAQIB KHAN
; Purpose: To display 4 items of my personal information
; Date: 27th/april/2012
.model small
.stack 100h
str db "Name : Saqib Khan $" ; A string to display
chr db 65 ; ASCII code of A
val dw ? ; Unintialized data item
main: mov ax, @data ; Obtain address of data segment
mov ds, ax ; Initialize data segment
lea dx, str ; Obtain offset address of str
mov ah, 9h ; Service # to display a string
int 21h ; Call OS to do the job
mov dl, 13 ; Place ASCII code of Enter key
mov ah, 2h ; Service # to display a char
int 21h ; Call OS to do the operation
mov dl, 10 ; Place ASCII code of Line feed
mov ah, 2h ; Service # to display a char
int 21h ; Call OS to do the operation
mov dl, chr ; Place ASCII code of char to display
mov ah, 2h ; Service # to display a char
int 21h ; Call OS to do the operation
mov ah, 4ch ; Service # to terminate a program normally
int 21h ; Call OS to do it
end main
; Purpose: To display 4 items of my personal information
; Date: 27th/april/2012
.model small
.stack 100h
str db "Name : Saqib Khan $" ; A string to display
chr db 65 ; ASCII code of A
val dw ? ; Unintialized data item
main: mov ax, @data ; Obtain address of data segment
mov ds, ax ; Initialize data segment
lea dx, str ; Obtain offset address of str
mov ah, 9h ; Service # to display a string
int 21h ; Call OS to do the job
mov dl, 13 ; Place ASCII code of Enter key
mov ah, 2h ; Service # to display a char
int 21h ; Call OS to do the operation
mov dl, 10 ; Place ASCII code of Line feed
mov ah, 2h ; Service # to display a char
int 21h ; Call OS to do the operation
mov dl, chr ; Place ASCII code of char to display
mov ah, 2h ; Service # to display a char
int 21h ; Call OS to do the operation
mov ah, 4ch ; Service # to terminate a program normally
int 21h ; Call OS to do it
end main