.model small
array dw 262,400,262,400,294,800,262,800,349,800,330,1000
;tne db 20
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
in al,61h ;Read Port B
jmp $+2 ;Wait
or al,3 ;Set timer bits on 1 and 2
out 61h,al ;Send to Port B
mov al,0B6h ;Configuration word for sound
out 43h,al ;Sned to Command register
;mov cl,5
;call happy_bday
;dec cl
;cmp cl,0
;jne repead
;jmp finish
mov dx,12 ;Number of Frequencies
mov si, offset array ;SI points to array
mov bx,[si] ;Get first value from array
call play ;Call play function
dec dx ; Decrement repeat routine count
cmp dx, 0 ; Is DX (repeat count) = to 0
jnz next ; If not zero jump to NEXT
jmp stop ;Jump to stop
mov ax,0 ;Clear ax values
mov ax,bx ;Copy frequency from bx to ax
out 42h,al ;Send lower byte
mov al,ah ;Copy higher byte from ah to al
out 42h,al ;Send higher byte
inc si ;Increment to point to next value
inc si
mov cx,1000 ; Repeat loop 1000 times
mov bx,cx ;Save cx to bx
mov cx,1000 ;Inner loop to be repeated 10000 times
jmp $+2 ;Wait
loop Inner_Loop ;Loops to inner loop
jmp $+2 ;Wait
mov cx,bx ;Restore outer cx value
LOOP Outer_Loop ; Jump repeatedly to Outer loop until cx=0
ret ;return
mov bl,0FCh ;Set 1 and 2 bit of timer to zero again
in al,61h ;Read port B
jmp $+2 ;Wait
and al,bl ;Change 1 and 2 bit ingnoring the rest
out 61h,al ;Send to port B
mov ah,4ch ;Service # to end program
int 21h ;Call OS to do the job
end main
array dw 262,400,262,400,294,800,262,800,349,800,330,1000
;tne db 20
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
in al,61h ;Read Port B
jmp $+2 ;Wait
or al,3 ;Set timer bits on 1 and 2
out 61h,al ;Send to Port B
mov al,0B6h ;Configuration word for sound
out 43h,al ;Sned to Command register
;mov cl,5
;call happy_bday
;dec cl
;cmp cl,0
;jne repead
;jmp finish
mov dx,12 ;Number of Frequencies
mov si, offset array ;SI points to array
mov bx,[si] ;Get first value from array
call play ;Call play function
dec dx ; Decrement repeat routine count
cmp dx, 0 ; Is DX (repeat count) = to 0
jnz next ; If not zero jump to NEXT
jmp stop ;Jump to stop
mov ax,0 ;Clear ax values
mov ax,bx ;Copy frequency from bx to ax
out 42h,al ;Send lower byte
mov al,ah ;Copy higher byte from ah to al
out 42h,al ;Send higher byte
inc si ;Increment to point to next value
inc si
mov cx,1000 ; Repeat loop 1000 times
mov bx,cx ;Save cx to bx
mov cx,1000 ;Inner loop to be repeated 10000 times
jmp $+2 ;Wait
loop Inner_Loop ;Loops to inner loop
jmp $+2 ;Wait
mov cx,bx ;Restore outer cx value
LOOP Outer_Loop ; Jump repeatedly to Outer loop until cx=0
ret ;return
mov bl,0FCh ;Set 1 and 2 bit of timer to zero again
in al,61h ;Read port B
jmp $+2 ;Wait
and al,bl ;Change 1 and 2 bit ingnoring the rest
out 61h,al ;Send to port B
mov ah,4ch ;Service # to end program
int 21h ;Call OS to do the job
end main