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Saturday, June 1, 2013

System Info Display Int 11h

.model small
.stack 100h
         str db "flopy is enable $"   ; A string to display1
        str1 db "floppy is disable $"   ; A string to display2
        str2 db "math co processor is enable $"   ; A string to display2
        str3 db "math co processor is disbale $"   ; A string to display2
        str4 db "dma is enable $"   ; A string to display2
        str5 db "dma is disable $"   ; A string to display1
        str6 db "number of video mode $"   ; A string to display2
        str7 db "number of disk in a system $"   ; A string to display2
        str8 db "capslock is off $"   ; A string to display2
        str9 db "capslock is onn$"   ; A string to display2

main: mov ax, @data
 mov ds, ax

        mov ah,2
        int 16h                    ;keyword services
        mov cl,7                   ;mov value
        shr al,cl                   ;shift right function
        jc  to_jmp_long             ;check capslock if on then jump otherwise continuee
    mov dl,10                  ;newline
    mov ah,2h
    int 21h

 lea dx,str8                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h

        int 11h                    ;checking intrrupt
        mov bx,ax                  ;for tempry store
        mov cl,1                   ;mov value
        shr ax,cl                  ;shift right function

        jc floppydiskon            ; check floppy

        mov dl,10                  ;newline
 mov ah,2h
 int 21h

 lea dx,str1                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h

         mov ax,bx
         mov cl,2
         shr ax,cl
         jc mathcoproceesor_on
         mov dl,10                  ;newline
   mov ah,2h
  int 21h

 lea dx,str3                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h
         mov ax,bx
         mov cl,9
         shr ax,cl
         jc dma_on

         mov dl,10                  ;newline
   mov ah,2h
  int 21h

 lea dx,str5                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h
    jmp capslockon
jmp ending

         mov dl,10                  ;newline
   mov ah,2h
  int 21h

 lea dx,str4                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h
 jmp ending


         mov dl,10                  ;newline
   mov ah,2h
  int 21h

 lea dx,str2                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h
       jmp dma


        mov dl,10                  ;newline
 mov ah,2h
 int 21h

 lea dx,str                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h
        jmp mathcop

        mov dl,10                  ;newline
 mov ah,2h
 int 21h

 lea dx,str9                ;show output
 mov ah,9h
 int 21h

        mov ah, 4ch             ; Service # to terminate a program normally
        int 21h                 ;
        end main

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